(!)                                                                            (!) 
(!)                                                                            (!) 
(!)       IN THE NAME OF THE ONLY ONE GOD, THE ALL-MIGHTY.                     (!)
(!)       _____                _____                     .__.__                (!) 
(!)      /     \  __ __  _____/ ____\____    ______ _____|__|  |__ _____       (!) 
(!)     /  \ /  \|  |  \/    \   __\\__  \  / ____// ____/  |  |  \\__  \      (!) 
(!)    /    Y    \  |  /   |  \  |   / __ \< <_|  < <_|  |  |   Y  \/ __ \_    (!) 
(!)    \____|__  /____/|___|  /__|  (____  /\__   |\__   |__|___|  (____  /    (!) 
(!)            \/           \/           \/    |__|   |__|       \/     \/     (!) 
(!)                                                                            (!) 
(!)                                             © 1400, ÉL MUNFAQQĪHĀ, INC.    (!) 
(!)                                                                            (!) 
(!)                                                                            (!) 

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| "HOME" || PROPHILE on ÉL MUNFAQQIHA                                            |  
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|                                                                                | 
| In The Name of The God, The All-Mighty.                                        | 
| Peace be upon you.                                                             |
| All the praises be to The God, The Lord of the Worlds.                         |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|    His name is éL Munfaqqiha. He'd love to call him éL, M, or Munfaqqiha. He   |
| was born in a beautiful land that is a part of APAC.                           |
|                                                                                |
|    He was brought up in the calm and peaceful house he shared with his parents,|
| and his one old sister & two younger brothers. Like any other similar boy in   |
| his city it was always éL’s dream to become a computer expert and programmer.  | 
|                                                                                |
|    To speak frankly, he'd love to learn a bunch aspect of computer!. Microsoft |
| Windows he has picked for most of use. Mac, *BSD & Linux are his fav OSes, too.|
|                                                                                |
|    He had, of course, love computer programming. Ever since he bought his very |
| 1st computer a couple of years ago, he had been fascinated by computer coding. |
| He started learning Delphi on the Delphi 7, since the beginning of year 2015.  | 
| Then C++ in C++ Builder XE8 (Embarcadero, too), after a little while.          |
|                                                                                |
|    C/C++ is his favorite coding language, but he had like to learn a new one!. |
| In the last month, he'd started learning PHP, a server scripting language. In  |
| the next time, he wants to learn Ruby, Java, and C# (ci/cé sharp).             |
|                                                                                |
| Why éL Munfaqqiha love coding ?                                                |
|                                                                                |
|    Its beautiful code snippets as the first cause!. One other thing, there is  |
| something mysterious hidden in it. He feel it in everytime he see the C-like   |
| block syntax, its curly braces, particularly. If remember correctly, it's the  |
| first code in which he saw in an article regarding to the computer security.   |
|                                                                                |
|    That being said. Most software that listed on this web written in C/C++ on  |
| C++ Builder with some of open and closed source libraries such as IPWorks, ICS |
| and the most very special is Indy 10. It was his very favorite socket library. |
| Ouch, the familiar Microsoft Windows API is still used heavily, too.           |
|                                                                                |
|    By the way, it's the time to say thank you for your internet journey on the | 
| éL Munfaqqiha land, which was here. Also, for your time use of released tools  |
| and softwares. Sure, your good favor he'll never forget!. Thanks to you!. :-)  |  
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| And peace be upon you.                                                         |
| Greetz,                                                                        |
| M                                                                              |
|                                                                                |

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| "HOME" |              # Copyright © 1400, Munfaqqiha, Inc. #                   | 
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